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We had our month of celebrating LGBTQ pride with our demented President showing off topless gays on the WH law and hanging the pride rainbow flag between the flag of these United States above the WH on July 4th as if LGBTQ should be celebrated in line with the national heroes of this great nation. The LGBTQ community has its own National Wall of Honor in NYC. Still, the nominees are necessarily of OFLGBTQ fame since they’re not publically known. Now it is time we show and celebrate pride in the United States.

After Biden’s shameful withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan, where thirteen American soldiers needlessly lost their lives, our armed forces fell dangerously short of their recruitment objectives. The reasons are easy to see. Children are taught to hate their country by leftist teachers. We have a President and Commander in Chief who takes bribes from foreign countries who seek ill to this country. Our military leaders are more interested in political correctness than the preparation of our national defenses. In short: if you join the army, you will die. It is time to reverse these perceptions by having a month of celebrating American heroes.

We can begin the American pride month with two weeks (fourteen days) of celebrating our founding fathers. Celebrating a different one each day. After that, we need to get picky since you’re short on days. You can start with military heroes like General George Patton. There’s no room to review his credentials here, so I suggest we spend some days honoring our Congressional Medal of Honor recipients beginning with the only woman to receive one: Doctor Mary Walker: a woman who served as a surgeon for the Union Army during the Civil War (with the paid rank of Captain) until the South captured her in April 1864. She was held as a prisoner of war for about four months until she was exchanged for Southern surgeons being held by the North. Walker continued to fight for Women’s rights all through the war. She wore men’s trousers beneath her dress for better mobility and was arrested for impersonating a man. In November 1964, Walker was awarded the Medal of Honor despite never being a commissioned officer. In 1917 Walker’s medal was rescinded because of her civilian status. She refused to return the medal and wore it until her death two years later.
To stay with great American women heroes to celebrate, I chose Marjorie Post for her bravery and business savvy. Marjorie inherited the Postum Cereal Company and twenty million Dollars at age twenty-seven, so her courage isn’t shown in physical hardship in battle. Still, in the mental difficulty and toughness, it took a woman to take her place among men and run a company in 1914 when women were still battling for the right to vote. I have no experience with what it must have been like in the corporate boardroom for a woman in 1914. Still, I’m familiar with my wife’s hardships fighting the “boy’s club” at Ford Motor Company from 1984 to 2014. It was tough on the most formidable, most intelligent woman I know, and I should know. She’s put up with me for thirty-eight years. Marjorie Post not only battled men’s intense
discrimination and jealousy daily while shouldering the tremendous responsibility of thousands of family jobs, she expanded Post Cereal into the mega food giant General Foods that it is today. Suppose we stay with the list of Congressional Medal of Honor recipients to celebrate, but limit it to the Native Americans. In that case, the list grows too long to handle in the time to celebrate in fifteen days. The list is too long to celebrate all the black heroes. I have two favorites: Jackie Robinson for his battle to get into baseball and my favorite athletic story, Jesse Owens stuck it to the Germans at their Olympics in 1936.

The Berlin Olympics in 1936 were supposed to be Hitler’s coming-out party, where he showed off Germany and the greatness of the Aryan race following their loss during the Great War in 1918. In steps Jesse Owens, a five-foot-ten-inch, 165-pound black man who hammered the Aryan white boys at their own games by winning four gold medals. Hitler refused to shake the winner’s hand following the Aryan’s embarrassment. For me, that shows the objective measure of Hitler. Owens was the bigger man. He claimed he didn’t care about being snubbed by the German leader. By historical accounts, Jesse Owens was a German crowd favorite. Hitler was too shallow of a man to accept defeat from a black man and an American hero who deserves a day of American celebration more than a small crowd of LGBTQ activists who feel the need to have their flag hanging beside the American flag while exposing themselves on the lawn of America’s house.
How embarrassing can a group get when the only famous LGBTQ names I can google are in Hollywood? The LGBTQ forum has nothing of value to teach our children. Suppose bare beer guts in parades petrifying small children alongside streets is all LGBTQ has to offer this country. In that case, I’ll teach my grandkids about real American heroes.
I don’t recall seeing any famous American LGBTQ heroes celebrate during the Fourth of July. Leave our children alone!