
My Blog

I recall when Trump was running for President, and even while President, his haters in the media constantly heckled and fact-checked him and called out believed falsehoods. So where are all these fact-checkers now that the press got Biden into office?

Last week Biden declared that the great thief, Nancy Pelosi, helped rescue America from the Great Depression. Check your facts, ya senile older man. The Depression ran from 1929 to 1939. Pelosi might be a magician at making herself rich while screwing the country, but she wasn’t born until 1940. Strangely, I didn’t hear a peep out of the pro-Biden media over this lie or any of his other fabrications. Likewise, I haven’t heard shit from the press about the Durham report, which spells out all the corruption in the FBI, DOJ, and even the CIA. So naturally, they wouldn’t blame Trump haters like Obama and Hillary Clinton for their treason against their own country. This is especially true following the media’s forgiveness of Clinton and Obama during the Benghazi affair, where their treachery cost four American lives.

Where’s all the hype over payments the Biden family received from our foreign adversaries or VP? Biden’s pay-to-play schemes? The media sure were quiet about Hunter Biden’s laptop just before the last election, which got us into this Biden mess by putting him in office. The press obviously can’t be trusted anymore. Why listen to them?

The one that gets me daily is the lies from the unqualified Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, who openly lies daily, and the press never calls her out on it. She’s not even a good liar. She sounds like the incompetent boob she is. At least her predecessor, Jen Psaki, was a convincing storyteller. My question is, why does the media let Biden and his gay mouth get away with lying? Could their sense of journalism have fallen so low that they must continue covering up? Are there any real journalists with the balls left who will stand up and call these people out on their lives? The Press Secretary lied the other day when she said illegal border crossing was down 90%. She must have pulled that one out of her ass because that wasn’t what the border guards were reporting. She keeps flapping her lips with these lies while the press sits on their hands rather than calling her out. What’s the problem, journalist? Are you afraid you’ll offend the sensitive Press secretary, and she won’t talk to you anymore? The one that made me ill was when the Press Secretary paraded all her girlfriends on stage as if they were appointed spokespeople. She dared the press to say something, knowing they were too cowardly to utter any objections. When are the Trans and Alphabet people taking over, and will the press have the guts to say anything about it? It’s evident from the public’s reaction to the transgender Bud Light commercial and retail giant Target’s nine-billion dollar loss in revenue over their transgender clothing release that Americans aren’t accepting the Woke movement toward alternate genders. Learn a lesson here, media moguls: You keep pushing an agenda Americans don’t like, and they’ll turn you off.

It is Memorial-day weekend. Thank you to all our nation’s veterans, living and dead. I’m not surprised the military can’t fill their staffing quotas. Who wants to risk their life for a country where the Commander and Chief are not only senile but have sold us out to our greatest enemy, China? If we want this country back, we need to start calling out the lies and holding these crooks like Biden, Cristopher Ray, and Hillary Clinton accountable for their treason, as spelled out in the Durham report. Biden needs to be impeached, tried, and jailed. Clinton must be jailed for election interference after she refunds the country for the billions wasted on the “Russian collusion” investigation and the Durham report. At the very least, I would think her political career is over. Who am I kidding? The crappy media will cover this up. And then bring her out again when she pays them enough money. I hope Americans have seen through her bullshit and started chanting: “Lock her up!” again.