
My Blog

Similar to many parents, I grow more concerned for the future of my children and their children as I grow older and experience more of how strange the world is becoming.
Never was this concern more worrisome than after I heard a recent story on the news. A local judge was deciding the fate of two children in a historic court case. It seems that two lesbians each had a child by artificial insemination, but then they broke up. Now each woman wants custody of the children they had by unnatural births. In their wildest dreams I seriously doubt our nation’s forefathers could have envisioned these circumstances when they developed our constitution and judicial system. I doubt even God could have imagined these possibilities when giving Man free will.

Unfortunately, as with all these same sex relationships in which children are involved, it’s the kids who will pay the price in the end. Society may be changing their views on such relations, but there will always be a stigmatism attached to them, especially if the Church refuses to acknowledge and accept them. Unless all adults welcome same sex relationships as natural, the children that they raise will not see them as natural, either. Lord knows kids are perfect angels when it comes to treating others who they see as different with kindness and respect. Kids with two women as parents could definitely be seen as different by other children. These children of same sex relationship[s will likely be teased and bullied endlessly. As a parent, why would you even risk placing a child in such a situation? Then, there’s the emotion problems and confusion of going through puberty while not having a clear role model for the child’s sexuality. Those early teen years are insecure enough without having to worry about whether one is supposed to act like a woman or a man, be a father or a mother?

These cases will only get more difficult and strange as the transgenders demand to have families. Is transgenderism even recognized by the courts? It isn’t by Webster’s. How can a judge be expected to make such decisions for all of humanity? My point is: Evolution and Natural Selection have been accepted as scientific fact as the way Homo sapiens developed into Modern Man. if that’s what we’re teaching in school, why not stick with it rather than confusing our children? At the risk of offending every reader; society doesn’t have to change to accommodate every person’s desire and emotional development. We don’t accept criminals because they feel they must commit crimes, so why do we accept every sexual preference because they feel it’s natural for them? One can’t argue that different sexual preferences aren’t hurting anyone. What about the children they insist on raising?
Who kbows? Maybe Hilary will change all this if elected as President . Rumor is that she is a lesbian.]