
My Blog


Something has irritated me to no end for the last several months, and I figure the best way to get it off my chest is to write about it Following the death of several “African .Americans” (Blacks) by “police of European heritage” (Whites), blacks started protesting that: “Black lives matter.” While I agree that human lives matter. Shouldn’t they protest that: “All lives matter?” That was the first point of my irritation. That a people would have the unholy arrogance to claim only their lives matter, thereby increasing the racial tension in this country. It obviously isn’t a well-thought-out protest.
The second point of my irritation was that if you look at the circumstances of each case. It isn’t as if the police have singled out an innocent black man and gunned him down, as the protesters and media would have you believe. In every case I’ve seen, a black man has committed a crime and then been stupid enough to resist arrest. Hell, in a recent case in Dearborn, Michigan, a black con broke parole by committing an armed robbery. He ran when police caught up to him, and then grabbed the officer’s gun while the officer was trying to arrest him. During the struggle the convict was shot and killed. Naturally, this triggered more protests about how: “Black lives matter” What about the life of the white officer? Was he supposed to surrender his gun and set the criminal free as the convict’s mother suggested? “He was such a good boy,” she cried. “He never carried no weapon. The police just kept picking on him. Why didn’t they just let him go? They don’t need to kill nobody.” She had no answer to witnesses’ claims that her son was resisting arrest. People are stupid, and there ain’t no cure for that.
The biggest point of my irritation is the hypocrisy of this protest. Watch the evening news in Detroit for a week. Black people are murdering each other night after night, and it isn’t simply innocent blacks, but people of every race. I don’t blame the cops for shooting first. If I were a policeman on patrol, worried about my wife and family, I would be trigger happy, too. Homicide is the leading cause of death of black males under the age of twenty-one. The police do not need to kill blacks, they go out of their way to murder each other.
So what is the solution to blacks being shot? Our esteemed leader Obama (an African American) doesn’t have a viable solution other than going on TV to weep like the wimp he is, and say how angry he is over the deaths of so many children. He should be leading the solution by action or example. When he recently visited Detroit, did he discuss the problem with local leaders? No. He repeated his lie that he saved the auto industry with his bailout. The truth is it was George W. Bush, the hard work of the auto executives and thousands of auto workers, who gave up wages and benefits that saved the auto industry. I guess he figures that if he keeps repeating his lies, someone will eventually believe them .Oh well, now I’ve strayed to another subject which annoys me. It might be that problem solves itself eventually. At the current rate that people are being shot or leaving Detroit to live elsewhere, the local problem will be solved because there won’t be anyone left to murder, but me, my family and our dog. Or maybe I should just quit watching the news, caring about the world, or get a gun like everyone else. What would I have to bitch about then, but what Obama claims is our greatest social threat, global warming.